Peter B. Zwack

Visiting Fellow
Visiting Fellow
2022–2023 Academic Year

Brigadier General Peter B. Zwack (Ret.) served as the U.S. senior defense official and attaché to the Russian Federation from 2012 to 2014, a period which included Russia’s first invasion of Ukraine. He also served in West Germany, Kosovo, South Korea, and Afghanistan. Retiring in 2015 after thirty-four years of military service, he then served for four years as the Russia-Eurasia fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies within the National Defense University. Zwack is currently a global fellow at the Kennan Institute, part of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars. A published author, he has worked with Russian and international colleagues in multiple fields since 1989, including defense, security, academia, policy, veterans, and private citizens. He regularly consults, writes, and lectures within the interagency, defense, think tank, academic, and business sectors, and provides commentary on contemporary Russian and Eurasian security issues.