Perry World House Foreign Affairs Emerging Scholars Policy Prize

Perry World House, the University of Pennsylvania’s hub for global policy research, partners with Foreign Affairs, the preeminent outlet for analysis and debate of foreign policy, economics, and global affairs, for the Perry World House-Foreign Affairs Emerging Scholars Policy Prize. 

Since fall 2019, this prize has encouraged scholars to translate their own academic work to be more accessible to policymakers in positions of influence and to advance policy debates on significant issues in global affairs. 

The prize recognizes outstanding, original essays on any topic related to international issues that draw on original academic research and intend to influence policy debates. Previous winners have explored a wide range of global policy themes, including:

Scholars From all Disciplines are Encouraged to Apply


Prizes are selected based on their overall excellence and alignment with Perry World House’s four research themes, which are:

The deadline for submission is May 21, 2025. Each winner receives an award of $5,000 from Perry World House. Perry World House encourages prize winners to use the prize to advance their academic research and policy impact. Each prize winner will also have her/his/their essay published by Foreign Affairs online and/or in print. The 2023 winners were Nils Kupzok of Johns Hopkins University and Karen Nershi of Stanford University.