Faculty Affiliates

Perry World House (PWH), the home of global engagement on Penn’s campus, is accepting applications for faculty affiliates on a rolling basis.

Central to our mission is bringing the academic knowledge of the University of Pennsylvania to bear on some of the world’s most pressing global policy challenges, and to foster international policy engagement within and beyond the Penn community. To further advance these aims, our faculty affiliates are researchers with diverse approaches to global inquiry from across all of Penn’s schools. 

We invite University of Pennsylvania faculty to apply as affiliates. We expect affiliated faculty to participate in some of our events throughout the year, and we will provide opportunities for our affiliates to meet and interact with our visitors and students, as well listing them on our website. Applications from standing faculty, clinician educators, professors of practice, senior lectures, and senior fellows at the University of Pennsylvania will be considered.


Faculty affiliates will be expected to participate in some PWH programming throughout the duration of the affiliation by, for example, participating in workshops and colloquia, attending seminars, hosting visiting fellows and visiting scholars, and providing ideas for, and input to, the development of our thematic work. Faculty affiliates will be expected to use their PWH affiliation on relevant publications and bio sketches.

Resources and Support

PWH Faculty Affiliates will have exclusive opportunities to meet and interact with PWH Visiting Fellows. Their names and affiliations will also be listed on the PWH website.

Application Information

To apply, please submit a C.V. and one-page latter of interest. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.