Shae A.C. Frydenlund

Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow
2021–2022 Academic Year

Shae A.C. Frydenlund is a feminist geographer concerned with the translocal political economy of forced displacement. In 2021-22, she worked with both Perry World House and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies/The Alice Paul Center. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Frydenlund’s research concerns the changing world of work and women refugee livelihoods in Myanmar, Malaysia and the United States. Her book project, Support from the South: Refugee Labor and Capitalist Development, analyzes the relationship between unpaid refugee work, racialized labor, and urban prosperity. She earned her PhD and MA from the University of Colorado Boulder and her BA from Colgate University. In Fall 2021, she taught a course at Penn entitled “Gender, Capitalism, and the Environment.”