Avinash Persaud

Visiting Scholar
Visiting Scholar
2023–2024 Academic Year

Avinash Persaud’s career spans finance, public policy, and academia. He is an emeritus professor at Gresham College and an advisor to governments and international institutions on financial policy. Persaud was previously a senior executive at several major banks, including JP Morgan and the Union Bank of Switzerland. He has served as chairman of the Caribbean Community’s Commission on the Economy, the regulatory sub-committee of the UN Commission on Financial Reform, among others. He was also a member of the UK Treasury’s Audit and Risk Committee and the Pew Task Force to the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. Persaud has been a trustee of the Global Association of Risk Professionals and the Royal Economic Society. Persaud received the Institute of International Finance’s Jacques de Larosière Award and was voted amongst the top three finance public intellectuals in the world by an expert panel for Prospect.